About Us
The mission of Des Moines Valley Health and Human Services (DVHHS) is to promote, protect and preserve the health and well-being of individuals, families and communities throughout Cottonwood and Jackson Counties.
Achieving the DVHHS mission will be accomplished through our vision of Healthy Practices, Healthy People and Healthy Places.
Des Moines Valley Health and Human Services (DVHHS) provide essential services to Cottonwood and Jackson Counties most vulnerable residents. Working with many others, including the Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS), DVHHS helps ensure that seniors, people with disabilities, children and others have their basic needs met and have the opportunity to reach their full potential.
DVHHS - Human Services is an organization of individuals with a commitment to bettering the lives of residents of Jackson and Cottonwood Counties. As a steward of a significant amount of public dollars, DVHHS takes very seriously the responsibility to provide clients and taxpayers with high value in terms of both the quality and cost of services.
Minnesota's public health system functions as a partnership between state and local government and is designed to ensure that public's health and safety are protected statewide as well as here in Cottonwood and Jackson Counties through Des Moines Valley Health and Human Services.
Public health focuses on the health needs of the population as a whole, and gives priority to preventing problems over the treatment of health problems. By focusing on the greatest good for the greatest number of people, public health organizes community resources to meet health needs and takes positive action to address community health issues.
DVHHS Public Health's core functions are - Assessment - knowing what needs to be done; Policy Development - being a part of the solution and Assurance- making sure it happens. Des Moines Valley Health and Human Services (DVHHS) Public Health offers a variety of programs, education and support.