Thank you for your commitment to discard sharps and medications properly in our communities.
Des Moines Valley Health and Human Services no longer accepts sharps, razors, used needles, or medications for disposal.
Below is information regarding how to dispose of sharps safely, and where to drop off unwanted medications. In both Cottonwood and Jackson counties, you may dispose of unwanted medications in the drop off boxes located inside the lobby of the sheriff’s office. These locations are: 902 5th Avenue in Windom (507-831-1375) and at 400 Sherman Street in Jackson, MN (507-847-4420).
In Mountain Lake, there is also a sharps (no medications accepted) drop off box located outside of the ambulance hall located at 356 11th Street, Mountain Lake, MN.
All of these locations are open for drop off 24/7.
In addition, please refer to the website for updated locations that may accept sharps waste near you.
We are happy to help answer any other questions you may have. Please feel free to reach out for further assistance.