Senior Services

Elderly Waiver (EW) – The Elderly Waiver (EW) program funds home and community-based services for people age 65 years and older who are eligible for Medical Assistance (MA) and require the level of medical care provided in a nursing facility and choose to reside in the community. Click here for more information.

Alternative Care (AC) – The Alternative Care (AC) Program is a state-funded program that supports certain home and community-based services for older Minnesotans, age 65 years and over, who are at risk of nursing home placement and have low levels of income and assets.  Click here for more information.

Minnesota Senior Health Options (MSHO) – This is a program offered to seniors who are 65 years of age or older, living in the community or in a nursing home, eligible for Medical Assistance and eligible for Medicare Parts A and B.  MSHO includes Medicare, Medical Assistance, Prescription Drug Coverage and Elderly Waiver Services (if eligible).  Click here for more information.

DVHHS has compiled a guide of resources focused on Sr Citizens and those with special needs.   The Elderly and Special Needs Resources Guide can be found on the sidebar.

Contact either of the DVHHS Human Services offices for additional information.