Breastfeeding Promotion and Support
Des Moines Valley Health and Human Services (DVHHS) works in collaboration with the Breastfeeding Boosters Coalition of Cottonwood, Jackson, and Nobles counties.
Breastfeeding Boosters Coalition - has a mission to support, inform, and empower the women in our community to reach their breastfeeding goals. The coalition is working towards this mission by connecting moms with free access to lactation specialists at the Baby Café, educating the public about the benefits of breastfeeding, and assisting employers in breastfeeding friendly workplace strategies.
Find us on Facebook! http://www.facebook.com/breastfeedingboosters/
The Breastfeeding Boosters Coalition is currently comprised of health educators, WIC staff, Internationally Board Certified Lactation Consultants (IBCLC), Certified Lactation Specialists (CLS), Maternal-Child Health nurses, OB nurses, and mothers. The coalition convenes monthly, and community members are welcome to attend.
Coalition meetings are open to the public and are held the 3rd Thursday of the month @ 1:00pm at the Windom Public Health building.
Baby Café – Baby Café USA is a proven model for breastfeeding support with over 100 locations popping up all over the country. It is a FREE resource for pregnant and nursing mothers that offers easy access to lactation specialists, as well as social opportunities and open-ended forums. It’s a comfortable and informal drop-in service with no appointment necessary. Baby Cafe. Stay Tuned for Baby Cafe dates and times..